Safety Ants Apps

Virtual Angels Caller 1.2
Safety Ants
Virtual Angels Caller is the first app inGoogle Play that allow you call the angels shaking your phone ortablet or tapping your screen.Legend has it that you can call your guardian angel by ringingthe chime. Other legends say that angel callers were given tofleeing elves, genies or humans (depending on which legend) byangels for protection thousands of years ago. When then elf, genieor human needed protection all he would have to do was shake hispendant and the angels would come to his rescue. The onlystipulation that the angels made was that the recipient could notthen give the pendant away otherwise all the magic woulddisappear.Whatever the legends say angel callers have been used sincemedieval times as protection. In some countries still an expectantmother wears a caller to protect the baby from negative energy.